
Meet Maider Sánchez Elizondo

July ’23

“The most exciting part is diving into the client’s results and follow-up process. Improving the client’s performance together with the marketing team is one of the most rewarding parts of my job.”

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

I have many interests that are difficult to put in a nutshell. For example, I love photography, playing instruments, and singing. I also love spending time with my kids and family. The most challenging part is finding the time to do everything I love!

What is an essential part of your morning routine?

Together with my dog, I go for an active walk in the park nearby. The park which we walk around stretches for about 2,5 km. This gives me time for me. With two very young kids, these moments are rare. I start my workday by taking a cup of coffee and going through my emails and the Asana notifications. I like to prioritise my tasks for the day. Since I work in a new role, I like to be creative and to think of new ideas to improve customer success if I have some spare time.

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

Slow down and go with the flow. At that age, I wanted to have it all! I wanted to be out of the house and make money. I was in a rush to grow up. I learned life is about enjoying each moment in the present, taking things slow, and not forgetting to have some fun along the way.

What inspires you?

Nature is a great inspiration. I used to hike up the mountains in Spain, which helped clear my mind. As the Netherlands lacks mountains, I sometimes take my bicycle on the train and go to the National Park. It can be challenging to find some alone time in my day-to-day life. Being surrounded by nature helps me gather my thoughts and allows my creativity to flow.

What motivates you?

Definitely my children. I haven’t experienced much encouragement and support to make my own decisions in my childhood. Therefore, I want to support my children and offer them the freedom to develop and become the people they strive to be. This motivates me to be the best version of myself for them.

What’s the biggest or most interesting challenge in your job?

I am responsible for ensuring the set-up of the campaigns runs smoothly, both internally and externally. I also ensure that we deliver killer campaigns that generate big volumes at a great price and maintain high quality. It can be difficult to align all of these elements since the demands of our marketing team and the strategy that we use may be different from

the demands of the client. Therefore, the biggest challenge is finding the right balance to make everyone happy and that the collaboration works well both ways. The most exciting part is diving into the client’s results and follow-up process. Improving the client’s performance together with the marketing team is one of the most rewarding parts of my job.

Three words that you would use to describe

This is quite an easy question to answer. I would say teamwork, passion, and opportunities. This has been the only job where people show gratefulness for your work. It has also been the only job in which opportunities within the company are offered based on wishes and hard work.

How did you end up at

I worked at a call centre, where I became friends with one of my coworkers. My friend had previously done an internship at a digital company she later started to work for. One of her tasks was to set up a Spanish-speaking team and she asked me to join. Because of this opportunity, I started working as an account manager who maintained relationships with Spanish-speaking clients. After that, I had a few more years of digital marketing-related jobs until a Spanish account manager vacancy at Social Blue, now, caught my eye and I couldn’t pass that up.

Could you tell us a little about your background at our company?

I must admit that it was quite shocking to find out that although the function title was the same, the role was purely sales. I didn’t have much experience with sales-related cold calling, but I gave it a try anyway, and, in the end, I was not bad at it. For a while, I was the only non-Dutch employee at Social Blue. Most of the clients that I brought in couldn’t speak English. I spent a lot of time helping campaign managers and marketers with translations and overall client contact. My role within Social Blue became very different, which I really like. I had the chance to learn the whole process from A to Z.

I then started as a Client Success Manager. I didn’t have the ambition to be in sales forever, and I jumped at the opportunity to optimise my relationships with our clients. This is something that I really enjoy doing! As the company keeps growing and shifting into, my department is also growing, and that fills me with pride.

How have you changed as a person since you started working at

I have become much more open and confident. I used to suffer from massive stage fright. There was a time when I had to do a presentation for an Italian fundraising congress, which took me out of my comfort zone. To make things even more complicated, the presentation was in Italian! This is a language that I know I’m not perfect in. I went to the event with one of my clients, and together we presented to a crowd of more than 50 people.

Their reaction was gratifying. They asked so many questions after the presentation, which showed a tremendous interest in the topic. Even though I was uncomfortable initially, I learned so much, and I’m glad that I participated!

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