
Women in Tech

Scrum Master Navneet Saini on Relocating to The Netherlands

Have you ever dreamed of living and working abroad? The thrill of exploring a new culture, contributing to a global team, and embarking on a personal adventure can be exciting. But let’s be honest, adapting to a new environment can also be daunting. Will the company culture be welcoming? Will your ideas be valued? Today, we’d like to introduce you to Navneet Saini, a seasoned IT professional and Scrum Master at Navneet recently moved from India to the Netherlands, bringing valuable international experience and offering a unique perspective on integrating into a new team.

So, Navneet, you recently relocated to the Netherlands. How’s that been for you?

It’s definitely been an adjustment. I’ve been here for about two years now, and let me tell you, the weather took some getting used to. Coming from India’s warmth, my first year in the Netherlands was brutal. I was always cold! It took a while to adjust, but I am so happy that summer’s here now.

What are you currently doing at

I’m a Scrum Master, overseeing four product teams. It’s a versatile role – I help them manage any roadblocks they face, from technical issues to interpersonal challenges. It’s all about keeping the team balanced, on track, and working efficiently.

Can you tell us a bit more about your background and experience before joining

I started my career in IT at a pivotal time, joining Accenture as a software developer in 2006. Back then, the industry was booming, and I had the opportunity to be part of that growth. Throughout my 13 years there, I honed my technical skills across various technologies like DataStage, Informatica and SAP. I also gained valuable experience in project management methodologies, transitioning from waterfall to agile approaches. Leading a team of 20 further developed my leadership skills and solidified my work ethic in a fast-paced environment. It was during this time that I truly learned the importance of continuous learning and adaptation – a skill that’s proven invaluable in my role as a Scrum Master.

How would you describe the culture at

One of the things I love most about Leads is the open and collaborative environment. People here are driven and motivated, and there’s no traditional, bureaucratic hierarchy that gets in the way. You can approach anyone with an idea, regardless of their position. It’s a big change from my previous experience at a large corporation, where reaching senior management felt impossible. Here at, your ideas are not only heard but actively encouraged. It is nice that you can see people around, like our CEO and CIO, and that you can talk to them directly.

Did you encounter challenges while adapting to’s culture?

While I come from a different culture and background, I’ve never felt left out based on those differences. There’s no discrimination at all. My colleagues always make sure I’m included in the conversation. This feeling of being welcomed and included, regardless of background, is truly the best part about working here at

I’m glad to hear that, Navneet! What do you find most rewarding about working here?

I’m a real people person, so I thrive on interaction. Being able to connect with colleagues, help them overcome challenges, and see them succeed – that brings me a lot of joy. It’s that sense of accomplishment, knowing you’ve made a positive impact on someone’s day.

After a successful career at Accenture and now thriving at, what keeps you motivated to stay here?

There are a few key things that truly resonate with me at First and foremost, the strong sense of inclusivity I’ve experienced here is fantastic. The day-to-day environment, culture, and the people themselves foster a feeling of being truly welcome and valued. Second, the openness to new ideas is incredibly rewarding. I find it motivating to be part of a team where my suggestions are heard and can lead to real, positive change. The international environment here is also stimulating and fosters a lot of collaboration. Everyone’s voice is valued, and there’s a strong sense of teamwork. Finally, is a company that embraces continuous learning and adaptation. They aren’t afraid to evolve, which creates a dynamic and exciting work atmosphere. Being part of a team that’s constantly growing together is incredibly rewarding, and that’s what keeps me motivated to stay here.

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